
Adams & Westlake, LTD.

"Adams & Westlake was founded in 1857 in Chicago, Illinois. In the beginning, our company manufactured and sold railroad supplies and hardware. With the opening of the American West and expansion of the railroads, the company prospered and diversified. ’Adlake’ became one of the largest suppliers of equipment to the transportation industry in the world.

In 1927, Adlake relocated to its present site in Elkhart, Indiana. Today Adams & Westlake is a leading custom manufacturer serving clients from all over the world and in a broad range of industries. [...]

As a leading producer of transportation equipment, we leverage our manufacturing capabilities to provide solutions and products to meet our customer’s needs. We are proud to have partners in the Transportation, Railroad, Military, Recreational Vehicles (RV), Medical and Grocery Industries."

Quelle: Firmenpage der Adams & Westlake, LTD. (; abgerufen am 21.12.2015